The Faith Center
PO Box 732
Raymore, MO 64083

Sundays @ 10:30am

Wednesdays @ 7pm



The sermon series is an effective way for ministry leadership to take their time expounding on important subject matter insuring that they can bring insight to the hearers of the series. Each week builds upon the lessons and principles established from the previous week slowly forming a complete picture much like when one is putting together a jigsaw puzzle. The Faith Center has been dealing with several different sermon series. Here is a brief summarization of just a few sermon series we have recently participated in:


Understanding Authority:


Through this study, we sought to gain a greater understanding of what authority is and how we as believers and followers of Christ have been endowed with the authority of God upon the earth. We studied several different stories of Jesus as he ministered in the region and how He walked in His heavenly authority. We came to understand that as Jesus performed the numerous miracles upon the earth, He was training His disciples as to how to walk in the same authority He carried. Upon His resurrection and just prior to His ascension, He makes a declaration that all power in heaven and upon the earth had been given to Him. He then directs His disciples to go to all nations making disciples, teaching them to do the things He taught them. He promises that as they do this, He would be with them until the end of the age. (Matthew 28: 18-20) This “Great commission” was in essence a transfer of authority from Jesus to those whom He sent. As believers, we must walk in the authority given transferred to us by the singular word “go:.


Jesus: Image of the Invisible:


Perhaps the most misunderstood person in the history of the world is Jesus of Nazareth. But who was He? What was His purpose? And most importantly, what does His birth, death and resurrection mean for my life? Jesus provides mankind with the image of the invisible God. He was present in the Old Testament and perfectly fulfilled the Law and its prophecies. In His time on earth, He paid the full penalty of the Law as the substitute for sinners. This series of lessons focused on each of the ways Jesus revealed Himself: Jesus as God’s Son, Jesus as fully human, Jesus as the Messiah, Jesus as God with dominion over nature, Jesus as Savior, and Jesus as the fulfillment of Scripture.


Who Am I: A Study in Our True Identity


Who am I? This question is asked at one time and in numerous forms by everyone at some point in their life. What is my purpose? What am I here for? What is God’s plan for my life? All are forms of this very question. I have discovered that the reason most people have no idea who they are originates from the loss of our identity through religion and the workings of the enemy. In this sermon series, we delve into the word of God to discover who we are in Christ. We seek to reclaim our identity and walk in the fullness of who we have been called to be.

Perception: Seeing yourself as God sees you


How you see yourself will either open the blessing of God in your life or be the greatest hindrance to receiving it. In this impactful teaching series, we seek to adjust our perspective and gain insight as to how we are viewed by our Creator. We then seek to align our line of sight with His standing in agreement with Him and releasing the favor, power, and blessing of God in our lives. We will take a look at several of the patriarchs and characters of scripture to see how they reconciled how they viewed themselves with how God saw them. From their example we gain valuable insight and draw great strength knowing that the same God that brought them through is working on our behalf.